I am entering the I Heart Faces monthly challenge with this photo of siblings. The theme is friendship. I've been impressed with the quality of the blog posts at I Heart Faces. They are very informative to anyone interested in improving their people photography!
I took this photo a couple of years ago, and even have it printed large (20 inch by 30 inch canvas wrap) in my house. I focused on capturing their hands holding, and in the process also captured their thoughtful faces and the Star Wars themed shirt he wore. Not only does it capture the friendship between them, but the contrast between who each of them is - her shirt with cat print and his with Star Wars. I took this right before the sun went down, and changed the color in post processing.
My aperture is f/2, speed 1/100s - barely fast enough for catching them with my 85mm lens!
such a sweet photo! Thank you for the comment on my blog :)