Saturday, June 2, 2012

Albuquerque Sky

I did an engagement photo session a week ago. We went out in the foothills around 7PM, and found the light rather interesting to work with as smoke from the fires in the Gila National Forest have enshrouded Albuquerque. Here is a photo of the western sky! (yes, that is the sun)

And the hopeful blue sky up above:

We got some beautiful silhouette photos as well. I want to share a touch about silhouettes. What I do is figure out what settings my camera needs to have in order to expose the sky correctly first. I set my camera on manual, and adjust the aperture and speed accordingly. I can then focus my camera on my subject and frame and shoot away. The result is a lovely sky that is not over exposed, and detailed silhouettes.

On another note, my husband and I have started a new blog! If you know us, you would know how passionate we are about what good education really should be about. So we've started this blog as a way to chronicle our research and experiences, and hopefully share what we learn with others who are interested. When we talk about education, primarily we are talking about educating children, but good education of children starts with adults who are interested enough to educate themselves. We will be working to keep it updated regularly with articles, and links to valuable/interesting material and other websites, and also use our photographs to augment. :-)

Feel free to follow us at:


Lastly, we watched the annular eclipse over Albuquerque on May 20th. My husband used a 10 stop neutral density filter over his 100-400 zoom lens, set at 400mm, to take a whole series of photographs as the moon crossed the sun. The kids and I watched the change by looking at the pinhole image on a white piece of foam board (and running over to see what the camera had captured). Here is the final image he took just before the sun went out of site. I love that you can see sun spots!

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