Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fall on the Rio Grande

I drove out last night to create a few images of our autumn colors along the Rio Grande River. It was chilly, and I made it just as the sun was beginning to set. I parked and hurried out along the bridge so I could look back to the mountains. It turned out to be not as good of a vantage point as I was thinking, as the mountains were mostly hidden behind the flaming trees. And there was shadow along the river that contrasted starkly with the beautiful trees and mountains. I took a few photos and hurried back to the car after the sun had completely set, shivering. 

Once home, and after the little ones were in bed, I could sit down and reassess what I'd taken. This afforded me the opportunity to do some processing and creating with them. Here are a few:

Beautiful Children

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I've done a few minor photo sessions lately, but here I wanted to post a couple of fun images we created when my sister visited with her children. The cousins had a wonderful time together the entire week, and my kids were sad to see them go. They live far away and we don't get to see them often.

Flamenco girls:

Unfortunately, my littlest came down with a bad cold and the last afternoon just was not herself. The group photo of all of them together didn't go so well...

Our family loves to go to the local International Rattlesnake Museum. The guy who runs it is not only friendly, but awesome with kids. He had done a fantastic job of creating a museum that displays the largest collection of different varieties of rattlesnakes in the world, but using the museum to truly educate the public about snakes and reptiles. We took our cousins there when they visited, and all loved sporting their shirts here.