I took these yesterday with my little canon camera flash, with a diffuser on it, mounted off camera on a stand to camera right, and a large white reflector to camera left.
I did not mount the flash to point directly at her. Instead, I pointed it at the reflector so to feather the light onto her. The sky was overcast, providing very soft light which was nice but it was still too much overhead, causing "raccoon eyes" (shadows in the eyes). It did provide some highlight on her hair and shoulders, however, so my off-camera flash provided the main light (and the catch lights visible in the upper left side of her eyes). I always tell people to turn off their camera flash and use light from off the camera. When you use the flash on the camera, it flattens your subject (producing almost no visible shadows), and causes the catch lights to be dead center in the pupil (the cause of red-eye - not to mention just not looking great).
When photographing a two or three year old, you have to engage them. She was willing to pose initially, but quickly got bored. I wanted genuine expressions and smiles. I talked with her about her upcoming trip to her grandparents' house and that initiated the excitement in the third picture.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Fun times with off-camera flash
Monday, December 12, 2011
I had the opportunity to try out an album from Loktah. I love the materials they use to create their packaging, prints, and book covers. This was a mini album labeled "Earth" with a cover of homemade paper. The mini album has only six spreads which I designed, while a full album has options for more or less. This is not your typical press printed book. These are quality, archival prints on lay flat pages, preserved in a unique cover.
I think this is a great product for families to have or give as keepsakes.
I think this is a great product for families to have or give as keepsakes.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
High-school Senior Photos
We traveled over Thanksgiving, arriving back in town Monday night. The weekend before Thanksgiving I was given the opportunity to do a photo session for this sweet senior. She is a musician as well as an actress, and she is home-schooled. She wanted to take photos outdoors and she specified she loves green - the green of grass and trees. She picked a location and we met despite the chilly wind and had fun with it. Here are just a few of the images we created.
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